Probus Club of Hunters Hill
We conduct a monthly meeting at Gladesville Sporties Club, 181a Ryde Road, Gladesville on the first Tuesday of the month with the exception of November, when the meeting is held the 2nd Tuesday of November.
Our meetings are scheduled from 9:30 A.M. to 12 noon and usually comprise: 60 minutes of general business, administration and a refreshment break, followed by a guest speaker and/or discussion.
Our speakers have covered a vast range of topics from the State Command Gang Squad, Makeover of the Opera House, Experience without Seeing and Honeysuckle Creek’s Role in the Moon Landing.
Three times a year we have a luncheon, Birthday lunch in February, President’s lunch in July and Christmas lunch in December at which partners of members, if they are not members themselves, and guests are invited.
We undertake visits (between meetings) to a variety of places and organisations of particular interest to members. Some examples include, medical research facilities (Victor Chang), Reserve Bank, Museums and Art Galleries, Sydney Town Hall and Guide Dogs for the Blind facility.
We have also enjoyed barbecue lunches, harbour and river cruises, visits to wine growing areas and others, including two and three day trips to resort centres including Heron and Kangaroo Islands, Melbourne Flower Show, Norfolk Island and Christmas in July at Abercrombie house, Bathurst.
We are a mixed club of a maximum of 100 active members.
We are run by a management committee of 10 members, publish a Monthly Newsletter and our mission statement is: