Probus Hunters Hill Club Management Committee

Charles Kent
ROLE: Provides leadership and direction and has the overall responsibility for the smooth operation of the club. He chairs the meeting, both General and Annual. He is a key liaison person with Probus South Pacific Limited (PSPL). In conjunction with the Secretary, the President prepares the Agendas for the Committee meeting and the General meeting.

Vice President
Dellane Stewart
ROLE: ROLE: The vice President is seen as the President in waiting. In the absence of the President, he acts in his role and assists with the smooth operation of the Club and the succession planning of the Committee. With the assistance of the current President he ensures a smooth handover to the new committee appointed at the March AGM.

Margaret Bowman
ROLE: The Secretary works with the President to ensure the committee functions smoothly and ensures the meeting agendas are organised and minutes circulated. She should be familiar with the constitution, by-laws and standing resolutions and is responsible for the administrative functions of the club and is the Public Officer. She oversees the Annual General Meeting and the nominations for Committee officers, handles all correspondence and liaises with PSPL regarding membership and Committee changes.

Marilyn Johnson
ROLE: The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of all financial records and ensures all funds are accounted for. An Annual Budget is prepared and there are monthly reconciliation reports for the committee. He manages the bank accounts.

Barbara Banner
ROLE: Regular events are arranged between meetings to visit organisations or destinations of interest. For the major activities, make the booking and confirm payments are made. Oversee functions to ensure seamless operation and report to the Committee on future and past activities. With assistance from other Committee members plan and arrange the Activates Calendar for the following year either to administer or handover to the new Activities Coordinator following the AGM.

Josephine McBride
ROLE: The Welfare Officer is the committee member who keeps in touch with sick and bereaved members or those members feeling isolated or lonely or who may be in need of support. In addition, keeps the committee and the membership informed where the member in question has given their permission and raises with the management committee any suggestion that may assist with the welfare of members.

Jenny Thomson
ROLE: As interesting Guest Speakers are one of the most important activities of our Club the Speakers Officer ensures there is a Guest Speaker available for each meeting. She liaises with them to make sure they are familiar with the venue and that the necessary facilities are available. She arranges for the Speakers introduction and a vote of thanks on completion.

Kevin Manie
ROLE: The Membership Officer maintains an up to date register of members and oversees the processes related to new member induction He reports to the committee of activity in relation to meeting attendance, new members, potential members and guests. He also oversees the Membership Development program and advises PSPL of changes in membership.

Newsletter Editor/Communications
Mike Allum
ROLE: A monthly Newsletter is prepared to advise the membership of forthcoming events and promote Club activities. It contains reports of the previous month’s meeting, the Speakers presentation, new and existing member’s news and is emailed to the members.

Past President
Margaret Timbs