Riverboat Postman​. 13 September 2023.

On a beautiful sunny and warm Wednesday, September 13th, 19 members travelled to Brooklyn on the Hawkesbury to board and enjoy a few hours on the Riverboat Postman’s run.

The first Riverboat Postman started in 1910, and the tradition continues today.

The Riverboat Postman delivers to the settlements of Dangar Island, Kangaroo Point, Milson Island, Bar Point, Marlow Creek, Fisherman’s Point and Milson’s Passage and returns to Brooklyn in time for the train.

 During the three-hour journey, we enjoyed morning tea featuring the largest Anzac biscuit I’d ever seen. Later, we were served a ploughman’s lunch, with generous portions of meat, salad, and cheese, all while listening to informative commentary from Cap’n Bob, our skipper, about the local geological and historical events that have shaped the region. Needless to say, the scenery along the way was spectacular, the bright sunshine and blue sky adding to the experience.